Tech Malfunctions That Changed The Course Of HistoryTech Malfunctions That Changed The Course Of HistoryTech Malfunctions That Changed The Course Of History

If something separates humanity from the rest of the animal, it’s our tendency to appear together with Bonkers technology. Our capabilities are incomparable to manipulate and form the world around us to change humans from traveling hunters to city residences, wearing clothes, tiktok-watch primates that are able to spread almost every inch of this planet, both for worse or worse.

Some of the technological advancements, such as the discovery of wheels and the emergence of agriculture, the possibility of developing intentionally, at least in part. Others, like the fire that tame, maybe a happy accident. A lot of time, to change the world, you have to leave to achieve something with strong intentions. At other times, you stumble on your own feet, land in disasters, and the world has never been the same anymore.

When that happens, the world on the other side of the disaster canceled was changed. We can only hope that mistakes bring with their valuable lessons, or at least a cool story.

In 2016, cellphones have become technologies that are everywhere, comfortably stored in hand or bags of about half of the global population, (per statista). So, it was a bad time for them to start exploding, but that was what happened with respect to the Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

As explained by people in business, Samsung immediately jumped on the problem, such as the loose grenade, and appointed hundreds of researchers and engineers to analyze tens of thousands of cellphones and batteries.

TSA announces the authorities that prohibit cellphones be allowed on any flight, both in carrying luggage or in the bag examined. Effectively, note 7 users are left with the choice to pass their journey, find alternative travel arrangements, or fly without the communication devices they count on.

Samsung’s investigation finally revealed the error in making a battery in their cellphone which caused it too hot, (per BBC). The incident caused Samsung to lose market share and consumer confidence, but their response caused new trust and a safer cellphone battery.

As explained by investopedia, the promise of folding glass than that can be sent by Google. Promotional videos show glass that displays all information, your cellphone usually gives directly to your field of view. Phone calls, messages and warnings appear smoothly like the wearer around their day. The problem is that functionality is more concept than reality. While Google tries to remain transparent about the development of ongoing projects, the distance between consumer expectations and the reality is too big. The price point of $ 1,500 certainly does not help. The launch of the Loyo glass may have surprised the development and adoption of augmented reality. Even now, almost a decade later, smart glasses have not significantly entered the consumer room and at least some of those who returned to the month failed.

In the 50s, Sony began selling devices to record videos to tapes. The technology finally developed into a Sony Betamax device for home videos. The tapes are small, have high video quality, and easy to use. The main hurdle is the recording time limited to 60 minutes.

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